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There are a few simple steps that you need to complete your DNA test. Please follow the instructions below:

1. Login to your MyHealthChecked account (either using a desktop browser or a mobile) or click here.

2. Select "Activate Test" on the sidebar menu.

3. Click the "Activate a DNA test" button.

4. Enter the Barcode number enclosed in the package. Please note that this barcode starts with the letters "CONC."

5. Enter your Royal Mail tracking number.

6. You will need to enter your personal details.

7. Watch the video to follow the instructions on how to collect your sample.

8. Enter the date and time you collect your sample. Your sample is now activated.

If you want more personalised information on the list of foods and drinks you should consume based on your DNA test result, please follow the next step to complete your Wellness Assessment.

You will receive an email notification once you have successfully activated your test as confirmation, and we will take care of the rest for you.